Palacios Lab

I am interested in developing statistical methods to better understand complex stochastic phenomena. I am currently working on efficient statistical inference and probabilistic modeling in evolutionary genomics, infectious diseases and in more general stochastic processes that would have an impact in public health.

Our group is working on a variety of topics that include the development of Bayesian nonparametric methods, probabilistic AI, new tools for computational statistics, development of new coalescent models and efficient MCMC methods. We are working on several applications in genetics, biology, health and cancer.

Thanks to NIH, NSF, Sloan Foundation, Terman Fellowship and the Discovery Innovation Fund for supporting the lab.

Julia A. Palacios

I am Associate professor of Statistics and Biomedical Data Science and by Courtesy of Biology.

Check here if you are interested in undergraduate research in statistics this summer.

We are currently recruiting talented undergraduate, graduate students and post-docs to join our research.

Contact information:

Office: Sequoia Hall 141
Mailing address:
Department of Statistics
Sequoia Hall
390 Serra Mall
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-4065
email: juliapr " "